Two-time Tony Award-winning show Suffs, which the 11th grade went to see on Wednesday, Nov. 24, follows the early 20th century’s women’s suffrage movement. Grappling with concepts of generational and racial differences between the women fighting for their rights, the show focuses on the journey of women such as renowned journalist Ida B. Wells and a young activist named Alice Paul.
While the play depicts an era of history that the 11th grade is currently learning about, Suffs is suitable for audiences of all ages. Learning Lab Specialist Leora Klein brought her daughter on the field trip and plans to go back later in the show’s run with the rest of her family, including her mother and sisters-in-law.
“I thought the show was incredibly important because this is a human story that should be part of everybody’s historical knowledge,” Klein said. “It’s unfortunate that these women aren’t already household names; hopefully, Suffs can correct that glaring omission.”
Before the juniors saw the show, their social studies teachers taught them a lesson on its historical context. Junior Jordan Nili, who felt he had “a decent amount of knowledge going into the show,” credited that knowledge to the lesson the week prior.
“I felt like it was an important class, and it really enhanced my ability to appreciate the show,” he said.
However, Nili’s praise for the lesson was not shared by all of his fellow students. Junior and Women Empowerment Club Co-President Gila Lehon said that she“could tell that the lesson wasn’t entirely connected to the rest of the unit [in social studies].”
“The fact that we only learned about the women’s suffrage movement because of Suffs is outrageous,” Lehon said, suggesting the movement should be enshrined within the core 11th grade curriculum.
Junior Ariella Roseman thought the show toed the line between creative liberty and historical accuracy too closely: “It felt like a history book, not a musical,” Roseman said.
11th Grade Dean Naomi Bergman was instrumental in planning the trip. “Jennifer Friedland, a co-producer on the show, reached out to us…I felt like it made sense to say yes, with this being an election year and students having a [social studies] curriculum focused on the 20th century,” Bergman said.
In previous years, juniors have attended other Broadway productions, but Bergman said Suffs was the best of them. “I only wish we could go again next year,” she said.