The Heschel Helix, formed this year, is a student-run science publication. The club consists of thirteen students, led by two Editors-in-Chief, juniors Ella Nadel and Hannah Wurzburger, as well as faculty advisor Suzy Vogel.
“I always had a passion for science, and I am a part of many other science clubs, including Women in STEM. I thought creating this paper would allow me and other students to think beyond Heschel’s curriculum and dive into different fields of science. I also wanted to create a place where students can openly write about topics of interest,” said Nadel.
The Helix staff meets one to two times a month during lunch on Wednesday to brainstorm article ideas.
“My favorite part about the club is sharing our ideas for the next issue. I enjoy it when writers ask challenging questions and really express their interest in their articles. It’s amazing that everyone is so passionate about science and writing,” Nadel continued.
The Helix plans to publish an online publication once or twice a month and a large print magazine at the end of each semester. The first issue, currently in development, will contain articles on the recent Nobel Prize winners, research that the writers have conducted, and science-themed crosswords and games.
The Helix is one of more than 70 clubs offered at Heschel this year, ensuring a rich and diverse extra-curricular experience for students.