As college decisions begin to come out, the excitement about college among seniors increases. However, along with the excitement comes much anxiety, nervousness, and even disappointment.
As someone who did not apply early decision, I’ve excitedly watched my peers hear back from schools. With each acceptance, the entire grade celebrates and adds words of congratulations on social media posts. In the halls, I hear classmates either congratulating one another or sympathizing with each other when they don’t hear the news they wanted. Although it’s difficult watching others get into college while I am still uncertain where I’m going, I believe the “college culture” at Heschel is extremely positive. I’ve never felt like a classmate gloated over an acceptance or put someone down when rejected.
Some may argue that wearing college sweatshirts or posting acceptances on social media is boastful; for example, SAR waits until everyone is in before posting online. However, I think my classmates should be proud of their acceptances and recognize that we all hear back at different times.
Furthermore, Heschel’s college culture is not competitive but rather supportive. Certain schools are popular among the student body, and students applying to these schools don’t expect everyone to be accepted . Nonetheless, those accepted are respectful of their peers who were not, and those rejected are happy for their peers who were accepted.
“Although it wasn’t the decision I wanted, the Heschel community has made it easier to move on,” an anonymous senior who was deferred from Cornell University said. “I’ve genuinely been so happy for everyone who has gotten in, and I know it will happen for me eventually.”
Along with the support from peers, the college culture would not be what it is without our extraordinary college counselors David Steinberg, Dorothy Denburg, and Alex Faye.
“We try to create a positive culture around college by making our offices low-stress, fun places for students to talk about college, but also just hang out and relieve stress,” Steinberg said.
He also noted that although college is on the top of the seniors’ mind, the counselors hope it is not always their topic of conversation outside the classroom. As stressful as the entire process is, I’ve felt more relaxed because of this kind and supportive college culture.