Willy Wonka, starring Timothée Chalamet, depicts the origin story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Young Willy Wonka dreams of selling his magical chocolates; however, the police immediately shut down his illegal operations after three powerful chocolatiers feel threatened by his extraordinary chocolate and turn him in. Coerced into staying at Mrs. Scrubitt’s boarding house, illiterate Wonka signs a contract in which he has to work in her underground laundromat in order to pay off his debt. He meets and quickly befriends five other captives there, deeply bonding with Noodle, a little girl who has worked at the laundromat her entire life.
Our favorite part of the movie was the Oompa Loompa storyline. One night, Willy Wonka catches an Oompa Loompa stealing his chocolate and interrogates him. The Oompa Loompa, played by Hugh Grant, explains that Wonka must repay the Oompa Loompa community for the three cacao beans he stole years before. This Oompa Loompa is a hilarious character that provides an interesting backstory to the universally beloved Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
We disliked when Willy Wonka broke into song as we did not expect this movie to be a musical. We also did not enjoy Willy Wonka and Noodle milking a giraffe to obtain special milk for his chocolate. While the scene does not add to the movie’s plot, it does provide the perfect time for a bathroom break.
We recommend Willy Wonka to those who enjoy lighthearted children’s movies with a twist. Beware of the INSANE plot twist. (We warned you!).