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The Student News Site of Heschel School





“We stand for what we utter” – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.  Helios is a newspaper published approximately eight times a year by the student staff of the Abraham Joshua Heschel High School. Helios abides by both Rabbi Heschel’s words and The Heschel School’s official mission statement.  Helios strives to “[create] an ethical learning community that inspires its students to become responsible, active, compassionate citizens, and leaders….”

Helios will not print anything deemed libelous, obscene, or in poor taste, in accordance with the Supreme Court’s justified standards. Rights are reserved to postpone, edit, or withhold from publication anything submitted which does not meet the specifications. The meaning of any submission will not be altered without the consent of the writer, but we reserve the right to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation when necessary. Additionally, Helios refuses to print criticism that is not constructive and supported by facts.

Helios will not intentionally invade the privacy of any person and will make every effort to correctly spell names and make accurate class and position identifications. Accurate reporting of fact is the goal of the staff.

Commentaries and opinion columns are the expressed opinion of the author and not of Helios and its editorial board or its advisors. Furthermore, the opinions are not those of the Abraham Joshua Heschel School faculty or administration.

Opinions will be clearly marked and found on the editorial pages or as designated on other pages. Corrections will be printed when mistakes are found or brought to the attention of the staff.

Members of the staff are guided by the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists, which outlines principles of responsibility, fairness, and accuracy.

Journalists on the Helios Must:

  • Verify information before releasing it
  • Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy
  • Gather, update and correct information throughout the process of writing a news story
  • Identify sources clearly
  • Reserve anonymity for special cases and explain why anonymity was granted.
  • Allow subjects of news coverage to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.
  • Avoid undercover methods of gathering information→ try to be as open as possible
  • Support the open and civil exchange of views, even ones they disagree with
  • Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.
  • Avoid stereotyping. Journalists must examine the ways their values and experiences shape their reporting
  • Never deliberately distort facts or context
  • Never plagiarize
  • Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort
  • Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information.
  • Consider the long-term implications of the extended reach and permanence of publication. Provide updated and more complete information as appropriate.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts.
  • Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness
  • Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently