What do students want most after a long, tiring morning of rigorous academics? Rest, relaxation, and a delicious lunch that will fuel them with the brainpower necessary to be the best students possible!
According to a school-wide survey, the most popular school lunch is teriyaki salmon accompanied by sticky white rice and sautéed broccoli. When surveyed, students responded with zero hesitation, raving about the delicious flavor of the fish that leaves them perfectly satisfied.
Junior Elana Farbiaz enthusiastically remarked, “The salmon is incredible! Every component of it is good, and it leaves me wanting nothing. Perfect lunch.”
Junior Jordan Cohen Mintz raved that the salmon is “unparalleled” and “the only bussin’ food in this school.”
Students also commended the preparation of the salmon. Junior Lila Nanasi said, “It is so moist and perfectly cooked. I ate every single bite.” She also complimented the meal’s sides, declaring that the broccoli paired exceptionally with the salmon.
Some students are even willing to risk their own health to consume the renowned salmon. Junior Anabelle Gonoonsky is allergic to pineapple but could not resist eating the delicious pineapple-topped salmon.
Other crowd-favorite meals include the burritos, though students enjoy the burrito’s accompaniments of Mexican rice and guacamole more than the burrito itself. Junior Joshua Henschke remarked that his favorite lunch was the burritos “not because of the burritos but because of my amazing meal of yellow rice and big scoops of guacamole.”
Junior Lev Boymelgreen agreed and added that the tofu is also one of his favorite meals, specifically because the rice is so good. “The tofu is so underrated, and you don’t even notice the vegetables,” Boymelgreen said.
Notable mentions include the pasta, particularly the tortellini, and the French toast casserole, which is served disappointingly infrequently on Fridays.
Heschel students offer sincere gratitude to the tireless workers at Cater To You, who brings them these delectable lunch options.